It is safe to say that the standard has been dropping as I have been moving through this challenge. Not only do I still have two days to make up but, the stuff I am writing has not been to a standard I can be proud of. However, of course the very act of writing, regardless of quality, has been good for me as I continue to develop and learn. Today I feel was a return to form in terms of finding a concept/idea that has a better point to make and thing to say.
Last year when my brother was in his first year of university he met two young girls who had come over to the UK from Iran to study. They are both Baha'is and had been students at the BIHE underground university. A university that was created as a result of Baha'i university students not being accepted into Iranian schools because of their religious beliefs. They came to stay in our family home last summer (I think) as they were doing something in London and needed a place to stay. I only spent a brief amount of time with them and their English was not perfect but some of the things they said and told my family and I have really stuck with me.
One of these things was how they felt so happy to be able to study and their sincere thirst for knowledge and learning was very inspiring. I am from a privileged background. I have been to two private schools and I was able to go to two universities back to back in order to get my BA and MA without any issue. In those four years of study I can say that I did not even come close to appreciating my education as much as these women appreciated theirs. But it was no only the learning side of UK education that they loved but, also the way they were treated by their lecturers. Every year Baha'is around the world fast for 19 days in March. It is a time for spiritual renewal as we set aside out material needs of water and food from sunrise to sunset. Although it is a wonderful time it can also be hard to focus on studies as well. One of these women told us, if I can remember the details correctly, that she approached one of her lecturers about how she would be fasting during this time. I cannot remember exactly what she was telling them. But, what I do remember was that she was so shocked by their reaction. Being from Iran and the way she is used to being treated badly, without compassion and respect for being a Baha'i, she was very moved when her lecturer at her univerisity here in the UK was so kind about the fact she was fasting and offered her an extension of one of her assignments. Of course, she did not need the extension but, she could not believe that anyone would be so accommodating.
Now, I have probably butchered that part because I can't fully remember the details but I think you can understand what I am saying. Anyways, I do remember the part of their visit and what they said that inspired todays script! These women were not the only Baha'is from the BIHE who had come over to the UK to further their studies. They had friends who had studied in London and are now settling here and able to get jobs with their degrees. But, when one of these girls were asked if they were planning to stay she said she was going back to Iran. Logically speaking for me in my head my initial thoughts were if she was so persecuted in Iran, a place where Baha'is are imprisoned regularly for their beliefs (at one point this included her father) then why would she go back when she doesn't have to? Especially now that she has this amazing education. But, then she told us why with one of the most beautiful analogies I've ever heard. You can be a candle on a beautiful chandelier in a well lit and elegant room. You shine brightly along with the other candles but your individual light in comparison to others does not stand out and does not have that great an effect on the whole. But, if you are one light you have the power to light up even the darkest of caves. This was her explanation with regards to the education she has received here and why she must go back. It is truly beautiful. I am not sure whether I have even done it or her justice in how I explained it but there you. So, that was the inspiration behind todays story.
Something I am noticing with this process is that where I work on these scripts is really vital to the quality. Writing in an uncomfortable seating position really sucks. I don't like being distracted by discomfort when I am writing. I know this is actually quite trivial in comparison to what is mentioned above lol. I am still in search of the optimum writing workspace.