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Writer's pictureLouis Djalili

Did not write enough today 26/30

Crap. I've left myself with four scripts to write in two days when I easily could have written two today! I am a fool. A fool of a took. But, anyway, my script today was nothing but pure fun and randomness. It's a piece of Star Wars fan fiction but has nothing to do with pre existing characters and not what you would imagine at all...

A friend and fellow director recently shared with me his Star Wars feature film script that he has been writing during lockdown and I must say it is very good. But, I would not expect anything less from him because he is a Star Wars super nerd with knowledge of the saga I could never even dream of attaining. Regardless, I am a fan and I thought it would be funny write something today based on Star Wars. You will certainly read what I have done today be very confused. Why is Sainsbury's mentioned? Why are they queuing in a Bank? All good questions my friend. I do not have answers. That is the beauty of embracing random thoughts.

Tomorrow I must write two scripts no matter what and I am getting worried that the quality of my final ones will not be very high. I worry because they will inevitably have an element of being rushed seeing as I did what I always do and procrastinated until I have to do everything at the last minute. CLASSIC LOUIS MOVE. But, I did have a thought today that has been the source of some encouragement. Lockdown is ending on Monday and this got me thinking about how I have spent the last 9-11 weeks of my life. Ignoring everything else I've thought about and done/not done I can feel some semblance of satisfaction specifically to do with my writing. I will be coming out of this with thirty new short films ready to be shot. Of course the majority of these are not ready for shooting, nor would I want to even make some of them but, I still have done it and at least have thirty new ideas to develop. Or, it was just thirty great practices that will lead me to write something far better and meaningful when I come to write again after this challenge.

I am looking forward to doing a blog post at the very end dedicated to all my reflections and learnings. Stay tuned for that. For now I hope you can enjoy all the twenty - six scripts I've written so far. I have no idea what twenty - seven and twenty - eight will be. We will find out tomorrow!

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