Another day, another script. Today, as you can see, is the sixth day of this challenge and these late nights trying to get it done are starting to get to me. That is my first reflection. I must start to formulate the idea for the script much earlier in the day.
I love cheesecake and, to be honest, who doesn't? I was eating some cheesecake this evening when I really shouldn't have but, it did get me thinking about how great a dessert it is. I then got to wondering about how someone might feel or what peoples attitudes are to the amount of variations to cheesecake there are these days. I put into google 'types of cheesecakes' and the amount of different types that came up amazed me... and made me want to try them all. See thats what I am like. I like food that has lots of stuff on it. When I get a pizza I get as many toppings as possible. This also got me thinking that there must be a lot of people out there who hate people like me.
The whole classic vs non classic debate is one that can be argued in many different areas of life. For example, that classic movies like Singin' in the Rain will always beat the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Or that Beethoven will always be more beautiful than Ed Sheeran. When it comes to cheesecakes I am sure there will always be those who love the original and cannot understand the need to add to something that is already perfect. In some ways I can understand because when we look at todays world everything is so saturated with too many options and this can be a problem. Why add more choices for cheesecake? But, I guess what I want to say with this story is that people are different and that them liking a cheesecake flavour you don't approve of should not get in the way of finding that unity in the love of cheesecake or something else more important...
I must say I am so tired I don't even know where my thoughts are. Though, I do think there is something here in this script to be developed at a later date. There is something in the idea of peoples extreme views and snap judgements inhibiting the opportunity for unity. I don't know. What I do know is that I need to go to bed.