I am very tired right now and I must admit that this is starting to get challenging. This will be a short blog post. It's not that it's not fun but, I find myself wanting to go back and work on the better scripts I've written so far as opposed to thinking up more sub par ones just to keep on track. But, I need to keep to it because keeping to a challenging and see it through is important to me.
Now, as I said, todays one would be an absolute nightmare to shoot because I've written it to be shot in one take. But, I think with a lot of rewriting and planning it could be really fun and hopefully, funny! A one take film would be cool though and I think the challenge of hitting all the right story beats and keeping it engaging would be a real challenge. I found that as I was writing. I felt that the key to a one take film would be pacing and the current script isn't quite doing that yet.
I may return to it after I'm done with the challenge.