One page. That is how short it is today! I wrote a script a few months ago about a man talking with someone in a bear costume on a beach and it wasn't bad actually. But, my initial idea had always been this one that I wrote today.
The idea behind it is quite simple. In the film the man shaves his head and his beard on the edge of the water before taking off his clothes (except his pants - need to keep it PG) and submerging beneath the water. What all of this symbolises is that sometimes we have to strip ourselves back before we can really grow and change. The act of shaving off my hair for me has always been symbolic. It means I don't really care about how I look and that I want to focus more on the essence of my character over my physical appearance. The reason why he then enters the water is because it is so refreshing to step into the sea. Who doesn't like those initial deep intakes of air when the water is cold. The character in this also has scars all of him. I guess the idea behind this is to convey before we are able to renew ourselves we have to have been through some sort of pain. For him it is physical pain but who knows if what is taking place on screen is even meant to be a physical experience. It is up to the reader/viewer.
This was just something short I wanted on the page and out of my head. It needs work and I'll return to it again someday.